Sunday, October 20, 2013

Technical Blogs

Quite some time ago I let my web site design domain expire.  Two of my blogs were left out in limbo, either completely inaccessible or mostly inaccessible.  It may have been possible to get to them through blogger directly, but none of the links on the Internet worked.

I've moved the blogs to subdomains of my family web site so they are once again accessible.  I think they have some content that may be of interest to programmers and designers.  I will probably make the occasional post to them as well.

Web Site Development Tips

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thought for Today

Freda has been posting her Thought for Today since March 2000. Initially she was simply sending out e-mails to friends that she knew needed prayers and encouragement. Eventually I convinced her to broaden her audience by establishing an e-mail list. She has sent out her messages on a regular basis for a long time. In June of this last year, I managed to convince her to set up a blog for her posts and to make her Thought for Today available to everyone on the Internet. It has worked out well and I think she is very pleased with it. Please go visit her site and let her know if you need prayers or if one of her messages has touched you or speaks to a problem you are facing.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Our African Journey

Sam and Nancy Shewmaker have been working as missionaries in Africa for as long as I have known them. Their current work is in Rwanda. Follow their efforts on their blog - Our African Journey

Friday, June 19, 2009

Too Many Hats

My wonderful wife has a blog at Too Many Hats. She has a wonderful following too. I am always impressed with all the things I learn about her by reading her blog. She recently gave a blogging interview too.

Please go visit my wife's blog and say hello!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Diva's Hammer

One of my favorite blogs for poetic inspiration is A Diva's Hammer . I first found The Muse on Twitter, but quickly came to appreciate her blog. She provides wonderful insight into who she is in her interview. She routinely posts original poetry along with wonderful artwork that evoke emotion and mood.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I have a few blogs already:
  • Paradox
    My personal blog where I share about family, friends and myself.
  • Web Site Development Tips
    A more professional blog where I share some of the things I have learned about web design.
I enjoy visiting a lot of blogs and add some of them as links from my regular blogs. But not all the blogs I visit or read fit neatly into either category. This site will allow me to highlight various blogs from time to time. I have no idea how often I will add blogs, but will do my best to post them as I can.